Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

492-Roasted Broccoli-Everyone Loved it!



The other night I had some friends and relatives eat dinner with me. I made a simple menu consisting of chicken Cacciatore and roasted broccoli. The broccoli was a huge hit! Just about everyone was busy chomping and crunching up the broccoli and mumbling things about how tasty it was. Here is the trick…..FIND FRESH BROCCOLI! Then, blanch it in a lot of salty water for 2 minutes, and transfer it to ice water. Dry off the broccoli and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper then into a preheated 450-degree oven for like 8 minutes or until some char appears, the broccoli should be fork tender. Now your oven and mine cook completely differently, so while it might take 15 minutes in your it might take 8 minutes in your neighbor’s oven, you get the idea….just watch it, and have a paring knife to poke the stems, then should be slightly tender, not mush. Also, don’t burn the broccoli. When it’s done toss it in a little melted butter or more olive oil, a drizzle of lemon juice, and lemon zest to add a nice contrast. Tha