Greetings From Allentown

GFA Live #142: WWF Superstars 12-03-1988



On this edition of GFA Live, Peter and Keithie talk about WWF Superstars from December 3, 1988! (and some other stuff, of course!) Topics of discussion include: * Randy Savage's "mujahadeen" moment with Jake Roberts * Newly installed Senator Ron Bass * Vince and Jesse make the post-match Rude Awakening super awkward * Examining how Randy Savage would use Elizabeth in storylines * Is this the last of the Danny Davis event center promos? * Why Bret Hart would hold up ten fingers * The "Keithie Langston Memorial Tag Team Tournament" * King Haku speaks out against the returning Harley Race * Unfortunately verbiage in the Blue Blazer's promo * The majesty of underage Louie Spicolli working TV Lineup: - Brutus Beefcake vs. Chuck Campbell - Whatever Happened There Update: Randy Savage vs Andre the Giant from Saturday Night's Main Event - Dino Bravo vs. Riki Ataki - Harley Race vs. Jim Gorman - Event Center Promos: Danny Davis w/Jimmy Hart, Tito Santana - Hart Foundation vs. Barry Horowitz & Iron Mike Sharpe - Eve