Bringing Design Closer With Gerry Scullion

Andy Polaine - 'Is Education Broken?' (Part 1)



This is HCD is brought to you by Humana DesignIn this episode, we caught up with Andy Polaine who is Regional APAC Design Director for Fjord and also professor Simon McIntyre from UNSW to discuss the future of education and ask the mammoth question of, "Is education broken?". This episode is sponsored by Sustain Digital via a $500 donated to Digital is a recruitment company with a difference, they are ethical and are really passionate about what they do with global recruitment experience. So they're not your typical recruiters and they give back to the community. So most importantly they find the best talent, so they're like a matchmaker between employers and employees. If you’d like to get in touch with their founder Hollie Colbert you can do so via Thanks so much for the donation Hollie! Links- Simons email mentioned in this episode Connect with Andy on @Apolaine on Twitter, his website at, via Fjords website at Fjordn