Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Creating In A Time of Destruction - WN 031



Talking about creation and destruction go hand-in-hand. And I think that writers play a special part in not only conveying the destruction of the present, but creating the future. Makers gonna make, yo. Let's do this together in episode 031 of the Write Now podcast. Creation, destruction, & writing. Destruction is hard to talk about -- it's so deeply tied with loss and grief and pain. But it's a reality that we as writers have to deal with, whether it's the latest in a string of mass shootings, the bulldozing of a beloved local forest, or an illness that's ravaging the body or mind of someone dear to us. Today's episode is based on a quote that I love by Maxine Hong Kingston: "In a time of destruction, create something." -- Maxine Hong Kingston And so when we're in the midst of a time of destruction, a long and vast stretch of wilderness, I think what matters is how we respond to it. Because we are powerful, creative beings. I've said it before and I'll say it again until the day I die -- words have power