Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

What Does Success Look Like For You? – WN 023



Help support this podcast! >> Oh man. Episode 023 of the Write Now podcast is about SUCCESS. Get ready  for some kind of MONTAGE or MOTIVATIONAL POSTER, probably! ...Or, you know, a nice earnest discussion on what it means to find success as a writer. What does success look like for you as a writer? It's something that we all daydream about but rarely give any serious thought: What would it look like if we were successful? I think that a lot of writers interpret success as a "luck of the draw" type fate, and to a certain degree, that's true. But I think those writers also tend to underestimate the power of strategic planning and goal-setting. It all starts with understanding and defining what success means for and looks like to you as a writer. For you, is success: Changing the way your society operates? Shaking up the status quo? Spreading an idea? Selling a lot of books? Making a ton of money from selling a ton of books? Hitting the New York Times or Amazon bestseller list? Or is it something else ent