Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Was I Meant To Be A Writer? - WN 022



Help support this podcast! >> Hey friends. Have you ever questioned your writer-ly destiny? Then Episode 022 of the Write Now podcast is for you. What if I simply wasn't meant to be a writer? I received a letter from a very bright, very talented young writer named Amanda who was wondering whether she was actually meant to be a writer. Her letter affected me so much that I decided to dedicate this episode to exploring the topic. Amanda writes, I'm not sure if I'm meant to be writing... I like coming up with characters and thinking about the situations they would get into. I like developing the characters. I love dialogue particularly. ...But I spend maybe 5% of my writing time actually writing. The rest of the time, I am in misery. I agonize over my faults until I can barely move, let alone be creative... I'm just wondering if I should even be writing at all. Can someone maybe have a passion for writing but then shouldn't do it anyway? Wow. It took me a while, but I was finally able to provide Amanda with an a