Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

Finding Your Voice - WN 011



Help support this podcast! >> Hey friends. Welcome to Episode 011 of the "Write Now" podcast. I'm glad you're here. How do I develop my writer's voice? You can probably name a lot of great writers who have their own particular voice. You might have heard something referred to as "Kafka-esque" or "Lovecraftian", or you might recognize echoes of similarity between one particular writer and his or her mentor. So what is this elusive element we call a voice? And how do we go about developing our own? Fortunately, you've already taken care of the first step. Unfortunately, you might have taken a ton of additional steps that you didn't need to take, or that you need to un-take. As the wise Yoda said, sometimes we must un-learn what we have learned. It's about finding yourself all over again. This week's episode of "Write Now" will help you get to the root of where your own personal writer's voice lives, and develop it from there. It's not a quick or easy process, but I think you'll find it's well worth the journey.