Understanding Christianity

Life of Joseph GENESIS 42 and 43



You can order Sean's newest book from G3 Press entitled "40 Days in Philippians: Finding Joy in Jesus" here: https://g3min.org/product/40-days-in-philippians-finding-joy-in-jesus-sean-cole/?mc_cid=49311f516a&mc_eid=d2c09c6b6d In Genesis 42 and 43, Joseph tests his brothers to see if they have truly repented from their previous sin of selling him into slavery. Would sibling rivalry and dysfunctionality still plague this family? God may make us painfully aware of our buried guilt as His gracious means to lead us to repentance and reconciliation. How does Judah emerge as the true leader of this family? How does this episode reveal to us a picture of Jesus and the gospel? You can watch the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUJd8r6kyuc