Sahaja Yoga Meditation Podcasts

Meta Modern Era | Chapter 9 Evolution, by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi | Read by Sukhanil



"So people are fighting in the name of God and there is no world peace. Behind all these activities, there is also powerful money orientation and, when it comes to economics, the people of the highest order in a religion succumb to compromise, however immoral it may be. They have neither character nor courage nor real faith to resist fashionable trends of money business. In fact, they allow their followers to swim with the evil currents of the day and, thus, lead them into hell from where there is no return. These religions inject fixed ideas into the brains of people. These fixed ideas start developing in a collective way and this can produce a very big, collective monster, which can believe only in killing others and pushing its own ideas." Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil ABOUT META MODERN ERA Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-reali