Sahaja Yoga Meditation Podcasts

Meta Modern Era | Chapter 5 The Culture in the West, by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi | Read by Sukhanil



"Culture is the outcome in any society of its history, its faith, its thinking, its emotions, its aspirations and its ideals. It is revealed in the behaviour of people among themselves and in interactions with people of other cultures. Culture shows the social heights in serenity, wisdom and morality. The innate culture of innocence and spirituality creates peace, honesty and moral sense. On the whole, such a culture produces a sweet language and a peaceful existence in family life and in society." Meta Modern Era. A Book by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga. Read by Sukhanil ABOUT META MODERN ERA Meta Modern Era is a compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the twenty-first century - spontaneous self-realization through meditation - which opens a new dimension in human awareness. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi offers deep insights into the crises of our modern times and the solutio