This. That. & The Iii.

This. That. & The III. - Season 5 Ep 6 - (11.4.21.)



NEWS. San Fran Mandates. Adolescent Vax. Courts Overturn City Mandate for Chicago Police Officers. Biden Aims for Over 100Mil to be Vax'd by Jan 4th. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy becomes first Re-elected Dem Gov. in Over Four Decades. Rep. Glenn Youngkin Defeated Former Incumbent Dem. Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Critical Race Theory. Virginia Gov. Says CRT Should Be Taught in School. Only 1 Black Juror in the Ahmad Arbery Trial. ENTERTAINMENT. New King Richard Movie. Jay-Z Inducted into Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Acknowledges Dame Dash. Jay-Z Joins IG, then Leaves. Atlanta Braves Win World Series. The Harder They Fall Now on Netflix. Cardi B. to Host American Music Awards. Swizz Beats and Alicia Keys Open Their Home in La Jolla, California. RELATIONSHIPS. Woman Dating Guy Who's Still Involved w/ BM and Now She's Pregnant. How do You Tell a Woman You're into Her w/o Telling Her? Is it EVER Too Late for Marriage? A show concept that is rooted in providing its listeners with everything they want their news programm