Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

Episode 500-WOW, Finally Made 500 Episodes....! Today I will discuss Planning A Dinner Party



Just a quick thanks to all of you who have stuck around for 500 episodes….hard to believe I have made it this long. Truth is I quit several times along the way but emails from fans asking for more shows kept me going. So here we are at 500 and I am humbled by your support through the years. Today I will be talking you through my planning and thoughts on a dinner party that is coming up this Friday, today is Tuesday as I write this. Planning a party for me requires thinking through many things to get the meal correct. Here are some in no particular order. Who’s coming- know your guests, allergies? Types of food they like? How sophisticated is their pallet? Seasonality-what season is it, and what might be appropriate? Weather..is it hot? maybe a thick soup is not a great idea, conversely, a cold rainy day might welcome a stew instead of a salad Holidays? Special events? Ingredient focused? seafood? vegetarian? grass-fed? Practicality and efficiency…how hard will this menu be to execute or Pick up as