Something About The Mother Of Jesus

Something about Mary –1361- Adam -from the USA -on Feast of Assumption - Totus Tuus, Totus2us



Adam, from the USA - "When I finally got the acceptance letter, it said “Adam, congratulations, you’ve been accepted to study for the diocese of Pittsburgh to be a priest. You start Sunday, August 15th, the feast of the Assumption."" When I received that letter, I knew that Our Lady was all over it. And I continue to pray the rosary every day and I know that my vocation is to in such a large part due to her and her really protecting me and really preserving me in so many different situations. So thank you, Blessed Mother."" Music by Jesús Cabello. Visit for much more - dedicated to Our Lady, it is inspired by our Holy Fathers - Blessed John Paul II, Papa Benedetto and Pope Francis. Totus Tuus - All Yours - was JPII's motto to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus2us.