Something About The Mother Of Jesus

Something about Mary –1026- Michele -from Cameroon-on Our Lady's birthday- Totus Tuus, Totus2us



Michele, from Cameroon, in English and French: "Mary, she is my everything. She is my mother. She always tells me and she speaks to me, and she is the Mother of All Nations. She is the best, she is so kind, she is so patient, and she always listens and she always directs me. She is my everything. I am always happy to do the 1000 Ave Marias because it's one of the prayers I always believe it helps and it heals. She is everything in the world. Thank you, Mother Mary, you are the best. I am your number 1 fan! Thank you so much. Maman, je te remercie de tout mon cœur de tout mon âme, parce que tu es belle, tu es gentille, tu es patiente, tu es ma mère. Merci Maman and je t'aime de tout mon cœur." Music by Jesús Cabello. Visit for much more. Totus Tuus - All Yours - was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.