Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 218: "Why don’t I feel anything" – this is a common concern for so many – it can happen for a few reasons...



Ep 218 | "Why don’t I feel anything" – this is a common concern for so many – it can happen for a few reasons... During an energy healing session, a person may experience hot or cold sensations, tingling, energy movement, lightness, heaviness being cleared, emotions rising or falling away, calming thoughts, sleepiness, or even nothing. If you are one of those that feel nothing, don't dismay. It doesn't mean the Reiki and/or Dowsing Energy Session didn't work! It's common not to feel anything. There can be a number of reasons why you may not feel something. Tune in to hear more reasons. Remember, everyone has different levels of sensitivity. Just because you didn't feel anything does not mean nothing is happening. Oftentimes, energetic healing can be subtle; yet it is working. And we integrate the work in different ways. Universal energy that is channeled works on many planes, including physical and spiritual planes; it is not linear. Often times, what we want isn't what we