Gunblog Varietycast Radio

Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 251: Ho ho, hey hey, NFA must go away!



In This Episode Erin and Weer’d skip the news to get right into the topics! Matt from Geeks Gadgets and Guns talks about the latest development in the ATF's reclassification of pistol stabilizing braces. David teaches us about shotguns and chokes. ACP listener and Patreon patron Miles gives a response to Erin and Weer'd's take on "Run, Hide, and Fight". Finally, Oddball calls back to a previous show and tells us about Jack Thompson, the driving force hind the Violent Video games moral panic. Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks. Show Notes Gun Lovers and Other Strangers: Shot Slug Gauge .410 Bore Patterning 1 Patterning 2 Common Actions on Shotguns Shotgun Choke Explained Simply Choke Shotgun Choke Explained Simply Choke Wrench 01 Choke Wrench 01 The Orvis Wingshooting Ha