Zoomer Week In Review

David Johnston's Foreign Interference Report & The Ride to Conquer Cancer



This week, special rapporteur David Johnston tabled his long-awaited first report by announcing he’s not calling for a full public inquiry into Chinese interference in Canada because of the sensitive and classified information involved. While not surprised with the decision, critics say it’s misguided amid accusations of a conflict of interest. So what will be the political fallout? We reached Ian Steadman, Professor of Canadian Public Law and Governance in the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University who argues in this case, perception is reality. AND 95 year old Bill Wall lost his vision in 2003 due to macular degeneration but says he hasn’t lost his drive. That’s why the nonagenarian will hop on a tandem bike to again take part in the Ride to Conquer Cancer next month for the 11th time. Now in its 16th year, the 200 km trek from Toronto to Niagara Falls has raised more than 250 million for cancer research at Toronto Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, among the top 5 research centres in