Owning Her Health Podcast

She is Wealthy and Wiser From Her Pain



In episode 88 we are blessed for success by Financial health coach Cherese Spand.  Her Curvy Hustle: From disabled in bed to creating her vision after the storm. This episode speaks to the evolution of a less than direct path into Entrepreneurship.   Cherese has been in the finance world for years but this wealth she shares today is how her health crashed on top a traumatizing divorce and personal financial collapse and yet it broke her soul free to make something safe out her own loss of all her money.    This is a longer episode as we dove into the mental side of reframing your destiny. Key Goddess Wisdoms Cherese shares for anyone stuck in the deep dark of it:  Lessons from the moment she decided she was worth the effort The real real behind financially protecting your assets from Divorce The true demands of mind-body and soul healing that money can't buy. Her big audacious leap from barely getting out of bed five years ago to birthing her business,  She Wealth, and making more families money healthy  Ot