Home Care Marketing Show With Valerie V

Valerie V Show EP 41: Interview with Cheryl Peltekis - Everything Home Care Sales!



Valerie V:                           Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Valerie V Show. We are live on Facebook with Cheryl Peltekis. Did I say that right? Cheryl Peltekis:                 Yes, you did. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Valerie V:                           Great. I'm so glad you could be here, because today we get to talk to you and you get to answer questions that I get asked all the time, and I am not the expert that you are, nor do I want to be. Cheryl Peltekis:                 I appreciate that, but I know that there's areas that I absolutely need to refer back to you. And I just actually wanted to take one moment just to thank you personally, Valerie, for being that person that, that nurse that's a leader in the industry that helps so many companies get patients ultimately served, which I know is what we both believe in is so important. Valerie V:                           Yeah, absolutely. The folks that are out here running these home care agencies are probably doing s