Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday and Happy Fourth of July!! This evening I will be discussing how, even as our great nation celebrates its birthday the Radical Left seeks the demise of our nation and all that it stands for. The “Open Borders” (No Borders?) policies embraced by the Radical Left and Globalists of all political persuasions is undermining public safety, public health, national security, the jobs and wages of hard-working Americans and Balkanizing our nation. Serious as the immigration crisis is, it represents onlyt one element of the continuing effort to disrupt our nation, turn criminal justice on its ear and drive a wedge between Americans and even between children and their parents. We the People must get our voices heard by our supposed political representatives so that come to understand that we are not the fools they have been playing us for! We must also seize every opportunity to have peaceful and fact-based conversations with our friends, family and neighbors with the emphasis on those things