Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday! On July 5, 2023 the Washington Examiner published a worrying report: Border Patrol mistakenly released terror watch list suspect amid illegal immigration surge Additionally, on June 28, 2023 Judicial Watch published another disturbing report, Record 853,955 Foreigners Overstay Visa Decades after Terrorists Did it to Execute 9/11. This evening I will focus on these articles and on how the supposedly “Legal” immigration system is failing to protect national security, public safety and the jobs and wages of hard-working Americans. We the People must get our voices heard by our supposed political representatives so that come to understand that we are not the fools they have been playing us for! We must also seize every opportunity to have peaceful and fact-based conversations with our friends, family and neighbors with the emphasis on those things that unites us and not divides us. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio s