Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - October 31, 2021



Over the course of the past eight years, Windy City Irish Radio has shared Halloween stories of the banshee and the pooka, both demonic entities of the Celtic underworld, but this year it's new stories of other demonic entities infiltrating the Windy City Irish Radio studios and lurking under your porch, in a dark basement or your bedroom closet or across the pond on the isle of Erin.  It's a Samhain/Halloween special on Windy City Irish Radio featuring music from Scythian, Dani Larkin, Roy Buckley, Billow Wood, Daori Farrell, Runa, Shane McGowan,  Brave Giant, The Flat Five and Lisa Theil.  Brace yourself -- you'll be scared out of your socks!  Check us out each Sunday afternoon at 12 noon to 1pm on WNDZ 750AM or on our podcast at or live streamed at