Stepright With Lynn ~ Lynn Whetham

Why Saving Money Is Not the Secret to Retirement with guest Samantha Piercy



The original ‘Why Saving Money is Not the Secret to Retirement’ is one of the most popular webinars for CGA members. Likely because people realize that conventional retirement teaching is financially impossible for most people. This causes undue stress while people attempt to get a good return on investment, save more, cut back spending, reduce fees and pay less interest. All this actually sabotages results. The real-life answer is so simple it can be learned by young children yet is rarely acknowledged in the financial or educational communities. What is the secret to retirement? Why does ‘get out of debt’ keep you broke? And, how can spending money make you wealthy? Learn it. Apply it, and realize significant results next year. Tracy Piercy, CFP, is an expert in methods to increase financial capacity. Her programs address the mindset of money, solid financial management strategies, income creation starting from zero, and sustainability for financial independence. She is the founder of MoneyMinding®, a bluep