Home Care Marketing Show With Valerie V

Home Care Marketing at Any Stage of Business – Start-up to Seasoned



Home Care Marketing at Any Stage of Business – Start-up to SeasonedMarketing Home Care from Start-Up to 5+ Years In Business. This hour-long video shows you where to spend and where to save for the best results at any stage.Thanks for joining us, everybody. Today is the day we talk about Marketing Your Home Care Business From Start-Up to Seasoned. I’m so glad you could join us. We had lots and lots of folks sign up for this. Very excited to present this to you, and I am Valerie VanBooven if we haven’t met before.Valerie VanBooven:Welcome to the webinar. I have a couple of other things I’d like for you all … If you have a look at a computer screen and you have a phone, you’re going to want to take a screenshot of this. Hold on. Oh, wait a minute. Here we go.Valerie VanBooven:Take a screenshot of this. A couple of things I wanted to point out to you, and then I’ll talk about the agenda a little bit. This is our website address, ASNMarketingPlan.com. We also have a free download, and as we talk about marketing,