Home Care Marketing Show With Valerie V

EP 102: Senior Care Industry Netcast with Rita Lynne- All Generations Home Care



https://www.asnmarketingplan.com/ep-102-senior-care-industry-netcast-with-rita-lynne/This is Valerie VanBooven with The Senior Care Industry Netcast where leaders with three or more years of experience in the senior care industry share their advice. So let’s get to it. In a few sentences, tell us who you are and what you do.Rita Lynne:Hi, Valerie. My name is Rita Lynne, and I do a lot of things, but primarily I own a company called All Generations Home Care here in Denver, Colorado where we’ve been really just at capacity for probably over 20 years now. And then, we have another company which has nothing to do with this, I was telling you about it is fiber arts. But we just had a brand new launch this week of another industry that we are really focused on, and that is making sure that the women that want to become owners have an opportunity to do this at not a high cost.            So we just launched Progressive Senior Businesses this past week. And it’s a fabulous way for… I mean, how many do we know women