Home Care Marketing Show With Valerie V

Valerie V Show EP 42: THANK YOU! M.E.R.Y & Instagram!



Hi, everybody. Today is Think About It Thursday. We have a lot of little things to discuss, little things I need you to do on Think About It Thursday.Hey everybody, Valerie V here with the Valerie V Show. This is housekeeping announcements. Please subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you're watching this on Facebook, please like our page, wherever that is. Like our page. Like our Valerie V Show page. Like it.Hi. Today is Think About It Thursday. Here are some things I've been thinking about. I want to say thank you to all the folks who have enrolled for our mentoring program for the month of May. We may have one or two spots left, so if you want to sneak in there, you are welcome to get that contract in really quick, and we can sneak you into the May program. Our May program kickoff call will be May 3rd.We have now about 30 different agencies who have, since March 23rd-ish, have signed up for the Valerie V mentoring program. I just want to say to everyone