St Marcus Mke Sermons

The Comfort of God's Judgment



This week in worship we will study Matthew 13:47-52 under the theme “The Comfort of God’s Judgment.” In the last of the “Kingdom Parables” of Matthew 13, Jesus tells us what will happen at the end — the righteous and the wicked will be separated. The idea of judgment rightly evokes feelings of fear and dread, but Jesus reveals to us several things. First, there is nothing to fear for those who are found in him. Next, the kingdom of heaven is unlike any other kingdom on earth. Finally, we have assurance that all things will be made right in the final judgment. We’ll also look at the example of King Solomon in 1 Kings 3 to illustrate that, in Jesus, we have a king who is greater in every way — in his judgment, in his wisdom, and in his love. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: