Packers Talk

LempsTalkinPack: Different Aaron, Same Result



Chris Lempesis breaks down Green Bay's 42-21 blowout win over the Detroit Lions at an empty Lambeau Field on Sunday. He raves about the monster day turned in by running back Aaron Jones. Really, he raves about the ground game as a whole, praising running back Jamal Williams and the offensive line. He has some concerns about the offense, though, mainly the dropped passes. He has good things to say about the defense rebounding after a rough start. He also opens the Twitter Mailbag to answer some questions other fans had about the game. You can follow Chris on twitter at LempsMKE (@ItsJustChrisNow) LempsTalkingPack is a part of the Packers Talk family of podcasts, serving up enough weekly podcasts to satisfy the most fervent of Packer fans. Follow Packers Talk on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe over at iTunes