Matt & Brett Love Comics!

Movie Recap: Captain America: The Winter Soldier



Look out: spoilers! Matt and Brett are joined by past guests as they discuss Captain America: The Winter Soldier mere minutes after leaving the theater. How practical is Falcon’s wing pack? Was Hayley Atwell wearing make-up or was her face done in weird CGI? How threatening are the French? Will our comments about Garry Shandling get back to him? You can hear each of our guests on past episodes of the show: Lauren Hunter talks about Superman in #66; Jon Gutierrez talks about Wizard Magazine in #47; Katey Healy-Wurzburg talks about Spider-Man in #24; and Ben Ragheb talks about the Star Trek/X-Men crossover in #68. To hear our discussion of the comics from whence this movie plot came, check out Kris Anka & Dafna Pleban / Winter Solder #1-5 (2012). Go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier in theatres then tell us what you thought in the comments. "Movie Recap: Captain America: The Winter Soldier" originally appeared at