St Marcus Mke Sermons

The Worst of Sinners | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers



THIS EPISODE: We’ll be studying 1 Timothy 1:12-19 under the theme “The Worst of Sinners.” Is it hyperbole that Paul, the greatest Christian missionary in history, was the worst of sinners? Is this false modesty? Is it self-effacing religious guilt? Or is there something true here that actually has become advantageous for proclaiming God’s grace? SERIES SUMMARY: Believers in their 20’s and 30’s represent the biggest demographic group at St. Marcus by a decent margin. As such, the Apostle Paul’s encouragements to a younger ministry companion in Timothy are perhaps uniquely beneficial for our congregation. Over the next couple of months, St. Marcus will be worshipping under the theme “1 & 2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers.” We will see how God desires for all of his people to carry out ministry, and that youth is no excuse for inaction or immaturity. Rather, Paul says that all who know Jesus as Lord and Savior should seek to “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith a