Duke Loves Rasslin

Is WWE in its Golden Age? : Duke Loves Rasslin Week 401



Is WWE in its Golden Age? Duke Loves Rasslin Weighs InThe WWE is experiencing a period of unprecedented popularity, with record-breaking TV ratings, PPV buys, and merchandise sales. Some fans believe that this is the greatest era in WWE history, surpassing even the Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression Era, and Rock & Wrestling Era.On this episode of Duke Loves Rasslin, Duke takes a closer look at the current state of WWE and argues that it is indeed in its Golden Age. He cites the incredible talent on the roster, the exciting storylines, and the high-quality production as evidence of this.Duke also discusses the factors that have contributed to WWE's current success, such as the rise of social media, the increasing diversity of the fanbase, and the company's willingness to embrace new ideas.If you're a fan of professional wrestling, you won't want to miss this episode of Duke Loves Rasslin!*Ready to shop better hydration? Use my special link DukeLovesRasslin to save 20% off anything you order over at LiquidI