

One of my pet peeves is when brands market themselves as “100% healthy”, but they’re really not. When you look at the list of ingredients, it’s a mile long and filled with tongue twisters you can’t even pronounce.  It’s no wonder many people feel exhausted trying to decipher whether their food choices are healthy.  My guest today is Jen Smiley, and she’s here to help you cut through that noise and give you the cold, hard FACTS on what companies put in their food and how that wreaks havoc on your body and mind.  You’ll learn how to decode those sneaky ingredients that are zapping your energy and vitality and, instead, choose foods that leave you feeling amazing every day. KEY TAKEAWAYS Why you don’t need a medical degree to discern which foods are good for you. Finding alternatives to the foods you love without all the harmful ingredients. Why inflammation is the greatest nemesis to your health. Why you’ll actually spend and eat less if you make the right food choices. The sneaky "healthy" foods you're likely