What Else Sucks?

The What Else Sucks Podcast #020 - Taboo FX Episode 7 - Approaching The Climactic Season Finale and Wrapping Up The Penultimate Episode of Season 1



Heads up, there are some spoilers for Taboo in this post and in the episode. This week on the second to last episode of season 1 of FX's new show, Taboo, the final conflict begins to take shape.  Everyone's pieces align for an explosive send off into season two and, frankly, we're all pretty stoked.   In today's What Else Sucks podcast, we kick off with a fact check on the definition of inaugural - "marking the beginning" (0:35), Jason makes a super timely Limp Bizkit reference (1:51), another big surprise regarding the Delaney family history that Brace offed Horace with the arsenic (2:00), we talk about James Delaney's chess game (3:59), the continuation of drama between James and Zilpha (5:10), the mechanics behind the plot driven aspects of the show as opposed to character drive (5:29), Chichester's investigation progress (8:22), commercial break edits and any reason to bring up "Mad Men" (11:24), whatever the hell Delaney got dosed with in the torture sequence (12:00), Braxton turns up (13:19), the repe