What Else Sucks?

The What Else Sucks Podcast #016 - Taboo FX Episode 3 - We Got A (plot) Stew Going: Brandon, and Eventually Braxton, Join In For This Week's Episode



 The guys give some recap on the latest episode of "Taboo," and Brandon brings up an interesting theory regarding the young Winter (4:29), Jason solicits Brandon's thoughts on Thorne Geary (6:17), #StreetAlfred (8:35),  Brandon makes another connection (10:39), Braxton fact checks to inform us that 1 pound in 1814 is worth about 75 pounds today (14:44) and how important the Duke of Richmond might have been, Scott makes a prediction about how the royalty and the East India Company interact in coming episodes (16:40), Brace - aka Street Alfred - making the petty power moves (19:30), the guys discuss theories on the identity of Carlsbad (21:05), Scott delivers a hot take on FX's standing in the cable-scripted-drama game (25:44). As always, you can hit us on Twitter any time, @whatelsesucks. We are also looking for local music to have on the show!  If you make music or know someone who does, shoot us a message on Twitter, Facebook, or email us at whatelsesucks@gmail.com. Today's music was "The Great Blueberry W