What Else Sucks?

The What Else Sucks Podcast #015 - Taboo FX Episode 2 - Jason and Scott Recap What's Going On and Make Some Predictions



Just to be safe, we should say that there are minor spoilers in this post and in the episode.  Episode 2 of FX's new series, "Taboo" starring Tom Hardy aired this week and while it clued us in to some more details about James Keziah Delaney's (can't resist throwing that middle name in) often guessed about past, there ended up being more questions than before by the end of the episode. There are admittedly and unfortunately, fewer top hats in this episode. We find out some things, such as what James buried in the beginning of episode 1 - huge ass diamonds, that just about everyone is on the take from East India Company, and that there is an American spy presence in London.  We're also met with questions about who sent this silver toothed guy to get his neck bitten out in botched murder attempt number one as well as who sent this actress lady to lay a claim to the Delaney inheritance.   A recurring point in the conversation is how well paced the show is.  According to this article on Rotten Tomatoes, Hardy