What Else Sucks?

The What Else Sucks Podcast #014 - Taboo FX Episode 1 - Jason and Scott Discuss The Introduction To The New Show From FX Starring Tom Hardy



Contrary to popular belief, the What Else Sucks Podcast is not dead.  As proof of that, we have a new episode about a guy who says he is dead. Jason and Scott's affinity for Tom Hardy roles is well documented and evidenced in the minicast on  "Bronson" (which you should totally check out - the movie that is, and also our show about it).  After honing his ability to give intimidating looks, Hardy's new venture that he and his father, "Chips" Hardy, worked on together is a gritty looking period piece out of 1814 London, called "Taboo." Taboo airs on FX, Tuesdays at 10:00pm EST. In this episode, Jason recommends another Hardy movie called "Locke," Scott delivers two hot take predictions for this season of the show, the guys discuss gravedigging and graverobbing, and they give an over/under on the botched murder attempts on Hardy's character, James Keziah Delaney. Check the episode out, check Taboo out, and let us know what you think of both.  We're on Facebook and Twitter (@whatelsesucks) and will probably b