Psyched Up

Relationships and how to make them work.



Today's show is a conversation with Dr. Howard Gurr and Dr. Barbara Fontana on relationships and how to make them work. Dr Fontana received her doctoral degree in psychology from St. John’s University in 1975. She is a Licensed Psychologist and a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. Dr. Fontana is a member of the American Psychological Association, the New York State Psychological Association, the Suffolk County Psychological Association, and Imago Relationships International. Dr. Fontana has been on the Board of the Suffolk County Psychological Association for many years and she currently is the President. Dr Fontana has presented workshops on working with couples using Imago Relationship Therapy to professional groups such as the NYS Psychological Association, the Suffolk County Psychological Association, and the Nassau County Psychological Association. She has also spoken to community groups about relationships and Imago Therapy. She conducts workshops for married couples in, local churches and pa