All About Jack: A C.s. Lewis Podcast

Anniversary Reflections #2



Please visit:   Many are reflecting on the 50th anniversary of C.S. Lewis's death, but today (11/29) is the 115th anniversary of his birth. The follow interview features three people I've had as a guest previously sharing their thoughts on several questions I asked them related to aspects of Lewis's works they've enjoyed and how his material has impacted their life. These guests are Peter Williams, Dr. Charlie Starr and Colin Duriez. Listen to C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists (Peter S. Williams) Listen to Life of C.S. Lewis (Charlie Starr) Listen to Essay Chat - "Horrid Red Things" (with Dr. Charlie Starr) Listen to Light: C.S. Lewis's First and Final Short Story (Dr. Charlie Starr) Listen to The A – Z of C.S. Lewis (Colin Duriez) Listen to C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Friendship (Colin Duriez)