Understanding Christianity

How Do You Approach the Unapproachable God REVELATION 4 and 5



You can purchase Sean's new book from G3 Press called 40 Days in Philippians: Finding Joy in Jesus here: https://g3min.org/product/40-days-in-philippians-finding-joy-in-jesus-sean-cole/ In Revelation Chapter 5, John sees our sovereign God seated on His royal throne. The Father dwells in unapproachable light surrounded by thunder and lightning, brilliant light, the 24 elders, the four living creatures, and a sea of glass. God is absolutely holy and transcendent. How can sinners ever have access to or approach this holy God? We cannot without a Mediator. In Revelation Chapter 5, John sees the Lion from the tribe of Judah, who is also the slaughtered Lamb. Every single person needs Jesus as the one Mediator between God and man. You can watch this sermon on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQgKGr_ji-0