Duke Loves Rasslin

Melina Perez Part 2 : Duke Loves Rasslin Week 403



Melina Perez on Duke Loves Rasslin: Setting the Record Straight, Overcoming Adversity, and Finding PositivityTwo-time WWE Divas Champion and three-time WWE Women's Champion Melina Perez returns to Duke Loves Rasslin to talk about:- Her new UWW video podcast, Ultimate Recap- Setting the record straight about the rumors that she slept around to maintain her spot on the WWE roster. - The journey to providing forgiveness and love to those that have mistreated her in the past- Experience with therapy- Overcoming suicidal thoughts- Experiencing the love she felt at the 2022 WWE Royal Rumble. This is an incredible soul-bearing conversation with one of the legends of pro wrestling. Don't miss Melina Perez Part 2 on Duke Loves Rasslin!--*Ready to shop better hydration? Use my special link DukeLovesRasslin to save 20% off anything you order over at LiquidIV.Com--*All views expressed on #DukeLovesRasslin are that of those expressing it. If you love it too bad. If you hate it too bad. #PullUpYourSkinnyJeans *Support th