Sun Happens

Divorce Grief and Productivity with Dawn Goldberg



Dawn Goldberg is a Professional Certified Coach who coaches accountants on how to get more done in less time and how to improve their productivity. Prior to coaching accountants about how to get more done in less time, she was a Certified Divorce Coach. Dawn’s own experience with divorce led her to want to help empower women to not settle for less than they deserve.  Hi, My name is Marissa and I'm a happy go lucky ray of freaking sunshine. I'm also known on TikTok for being married and divorced twice before the age of 30. You know what they say… Sh*t happens. This season we will be talking about all things divorce. The good, the bad, and the ugly… bc divorce happens.  Be sure to follow the host Marissa on Instagram/TikTok @TheMarissaBaker and @SunHappensOfficial Find Dawn in any of the below locations:  Website Facebook LinkedIn  Lastly, make sure you never miss what