Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

588: Gayle Petrillo – Moving beyond the closets of scars



From the scars of life at an early age - literal scars - Gayle Petrillo has dealt with being different. Physically different. yet, in all her life of making first impressions, the one she most had to make with herself, of accepting herself, just as she was. Sharing her closet story of being a burn survivor, Gayle provides an impactful interview that shows, no matter how you've been burned you can always thrive instead of just surviving. About Gayle Born and raised in Albany, New York, Gayle has called Tucson home for 24 years. She is married to her best friend and most avid supporter, Al, for over 43 years. Gayle earned her MBA at 50 and has over 30 years in healthcare leadership roles, much of it in the human resources arena. In 2017 Gayle launched First Impressions, an image consulting firm because “We never get a second opportunity to make that all important first impression, on paper or in person”. As a career and confidence coach, Gayle enhances her clients’ first impressions, from customer service (eye