Active Recall With Walter & Francis

002 (of maybe 260)



I need to write a pre-amble for this initial set of issues:I wanted to write a year’s worth of daily newsletters in November, channeling the spirit of NanoWriMo. These first 17 issues were recorded on Nov 2nd and Nov 3rd.I guess if I keep it up with this system then I need to consider that the release of an issue will always be some time after I actually recorded things. If I actually did finish a year of daily newsletters by the end of this month, then the last one would be scheduled out near October next year.I should draw this out because there are a few different timelines. (This is like a dumb version of Recursion—great book I read earlier this year.) For this initial set:* Timeline 1, the initial recordings (Nov 2 & 3) — These are the initial 17 recordings. I had a free weekend. It was the weekend of the New York marathon and UFC 244 at Madison Square Garden. I edited all the audio.* Timeline 2, transcription and notes (Nov 4 to 10th) — My goal is to add notes and schedule them to be sent out by the