Active Recall With Walter & Francis

66: "Quitter"



Our arms still hurt from patting ourselves on the back for returning to the podcast.  The book of the week is Jon Acuff's "Quitter" It's about passion. We talk about both sides of the 'follow your passion' argument. We are both in a place doing work that we're passionate about. It doesn't mean there aren't parts that don't feel like work. There are also things we're passionate about that we weren't able to turn into careers. Here's the best book against the idea of following your passion: Cal Newport's "So Good They Can't Ignore You" We batched a couple episodes. We were going to try to get to 4 episodes. (One for each of Jon Acuff's books: Quitter, Finish, Start, Do Over. We didn't finish all 4 episodes, but we did finish two. So an episode is scheduled next week for Jon Acuff's "Finish". Okay I set a timer to write these notes and the timer is up. I think this is better t