Active Recall With Walter & Francis

How to practice (according to games) - ep. 32



The ever-changing, ever-evolving format The theme this week is practice. We’re tweaking things again. We’re going to try to have one theme going through the entire  podcast. I think we had a good thing going a couple episodes ago where we did (1) recommendations, (2) a book of the week, and (3) The Magic Window. Last week we tried to do that again and it came off a little too random. The book of the week used to tie things together pretty well but we just couldn’t read that many books. Now we’ll try having a theme to tie things together. We’re going to do recommendations but this time we’ll open it up beyond podcasts to videos or blog posts or whatever. We’re still going to do a book of the week. We’re still going to do The Magic Window. And we’re going to try to tie it to one theme. Yes, AI, we’re talking about practice Practice (Recommendations) I made a bunch of videos last week. A lot of them are about practice. I started to  Niche down into gaming life lessons. I’m kind of motivated by this because it’s