Active Recall With Walter & Francis

We Can't Make This Up (Ep. 22)



Intro Send your questions in on Twitter Weekly fitness update: my weight isn't great! But I've started going Simple & Sinister. Trying to do a daily workout. The approach is that it's moderate exertion instead of some programs where failure is pretty much the goal for each workout. Wally has some mimosas at a bridal shower Laughing at the hardship From I Can't Make This Up: "In life, you can choose to cry about the b******t that happens to you or you can choose to laugh about it. I choose laughter.” Have you ever been bullied or have you been the bully? Kevin Hart says he was bullied as a kid but knew that it was important to stand up for himself. Even once. Take the beating and then move on. They'd rather find someone who won't put up a fight at all. We've both been bullied. I talk about when I was sort of bullied. Wally talks about when he was definitely bullied. Bully by association. There was a time that I was sort of the bully, but not really. Take action! Try to laugh at it. It won't work f