Active Recall With Walter & Francis

AR ep. 7: When did you realize wrestling is fake?



0:00:00 • Welcome! Wally talks slow motion 0:06:42 • Ces stumbles through explaining what keto is 0:19:04 • Wally recommends something manly 0:26:52 • When did you realize wrestling was fake? Is that... Jason's music?! 0:30:44 • Jason dials in before the biggest weekend of his life 0:39:15 • Which wrestler does Jason feel like? We're re-thinking the book-a-week format because we can't read fast enough. Instead, we each recommend a couple of podcasts. Ces recaps the Iron Man Match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit