Active Recall With Walter & Francis

Walter & Francis ep. 3 — Barking Up the Wrong Tree



Walter & Francis Barking up the Wrong Tree (book on Amazon • blog) Filtered people are the ones who did very well in school. These are your valedictorians. The only issue? They're successful, but they aren't wildly successful. We went over Eric Barker's Barking Up The Wrong Tree. It'd be good to apply some of the advice from the book. Here's something relevant: "Good enough is good enough."  It's a great book. We'll do another episode down the line to do it justice. This is the first time trying out podcast chapters. I didn't even know podcast chapters were a thing until a couple weeks ago when I listened to John Gruber's episode with Ben Thompson. The podcast has multiple chapters and so does the book, but we only discussed the first chapter. It's about defining success and two types of personalities and the environments they succeed in. (The book also helps redefine what success is. By the end of it, maybe those wildly successful people actually aren't actually all that happy. Meaning maybe a filtered