Mindful Mama | Inspiration To Thrive Not Just Survive

Two Surprising Things Parents REALLY Need [62]



Now that I’ve taken the jogging stroller around the block a few times, I realize that the two things that I really did need, the two things that mattered most... weren’t even on my radar. What are the two things parents really need? Parents need help when we have conflict. When there’s a conflict, a few things happen: our stress response kicks in and we become reactive, then we often communicate from old patterns (i.e. your own parent’s voice comes out of your mouth). We can break it down into two problems: The stress response Unskillful communication We come into the most trouble in our parenting when we are stressed, so it’s important to understand the stress response. There are biological and evolutionary reasons why we “lose it.” “Losing it” refers to those fast, automatic reactions to a perceived threat which can be triggered in stressful interactions with our child. This literally cuts off access the rational, thoughtful part of our brain. The first and most fundamental thing we need as parents (for our