Mcc Podcast

God's Design for Intimacy in Marriage



Last week Paul addressed how sex in the Corinthian culture was influencing the church (rather than the church influencing the culture). This week Paul addresses sex inside marriage. What he is talking about in chapter 7 answers one of the questions they have written to him. And it may surprise you, but God actually has a lot to say about the subject of sex. Now it shouldn’t surprise us because God thought it up, and He thought it was a good idea. This is an area where most of us agree with God. The problem is, God’s voice on this subject is often distorted if it’s listened to at all. We are inundated with images and messages about sex all the time in our culture. And we’re not sure we want to hear about it at church, but again, God has a great deal of wisdom to give us. We’ll see that this weekend.